Reviews What Can I Ask - New and Selected Poems 1975 - 2014 Elana Dykewomon

Sinister Wisdom
Sinister Wisdom magazine cover 120.jpg
Editor Julie R. Enszer
Categories Literary, fine art
Frequency Quarterly
Publisher Sinister Wisdom Inc.
First outcome 1976; 46 years agone  (1976)
Country Usa
Based in Dover, Florida
ISSN 0196-1853
OCLC 3451636

Sinister Wisdom is an American lesbian literary, theory, and fine art periodical published quarterly in Berkeley, California. Started in 1976 by Catherine Nicholson and Harriet Ellenberger (Desmoines) in Charlotte, North Carolina, information technology is the longest operating lesbian periodical to appointment, with 105 publications.[1] Each journal covers a variety of topics pertaining to the lesbian experience and contains a combination of creative writing, verse, literary criticism, feminist theory, ads, and notes from the editor(s). Sinister Wisdom accepts submissions from novice to accredited writers and has featured the works of writers and artists such every bit Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich. The journal has been a pioneer in female publishing, working with female operated publishing companies such every bit Whole Women Printing and Iowa City Women's Press.[ citation needed ] Sapphic Classics, a partnership between Sinister Wisdom and A Midsummer Night's Printing, reprints classic lesbian works for contemporary audiences.

History and mandate [edit]

Catherine Nicholson and Harriet Ellenberger (Desmoines), ii lesbians from Charlotte, North Carolina, attended a lesbian writing workshop in Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1976 with the idea of a lesbian literary periodical already in heed. Predecessors in the lesbian literary realm such as The Ladder and the Amazon Quarterly inspired Nicholson and Ellenberger (Desmoines) to create their own journal for Southern lesbians.[1] Subsequently attending the workshop, Nicholson and Ellenberger (Desmoines) submitted a leaflet calling for whatever lesbian writing to exist role of a new journal. Ellenberger in particular called for "revolution, reversal, and transformation" and wanted a place that was outside of the patriarchal realm for lesbians to communicate and express themselves.[ii] Sinister Wisdom was named afterwards novelist and later on Sinister Wisdom contributor Joanna Russ' novel The Female Man.[3] "Sinister" in this context means "on the left side", which is in direct contrast with the "right": the patriarchal, "rational" values that dominate society and seek to oppress the left. Ellenberger (Desmoines) writes in her first "Notes for a Mag":[4]

The Law of the Fathers equates "correct-over-left, white-over-blackness, heterosexual-over-homosexual, and male-over-female with proficient-over-evil." Sinister Wisdom turns these patriarchal values upside downwards as a necessary prelude to creating our ain.

Ellenberger (Desmoines) believed that lesbians writing and publishing for lesbians outside of the traditional, patriarchal realm was the best mode to connect to their audition. In improver to separatist content, the journal utilized the talents, time, and coin of simply women in a grassroots approach. This went against the publishing concern that was more often than not controlled by men.[1]

In July 1976, the first result of Sinister Wisdom was released and was well received. Nicholson and Ellenberger (Desmoines) were the editors. The journal promised three problems a twelvemonth with subscriptions costing $4.fifty.[4] The journal's first consequence did not have a theme; the contents received for the upshot were submitted on the basis of the original leaflet made by Nicholson and Ellenberger (Desmoines) and are thus various in subject and style. The second effect called for submissions pertaining to the overall theme of Lesbian Writing and Publishing and was released in the fall of 1976. The publication of the tertiary issue in the spring of 1977 marked Sinister Wisdom'southward first year, and while Nicholson, Ellenberger (Desmoines), and their team however asked in every issue for more subscriptions and submissions, the journal could proceed.

By Issue 7, Nicholson and Ellenberger (Desmoines) introduced some changes: the cost of subscriptions would be raised from $iv.50 to $7.50 to cover costs, the number of issues released in the twelvemonth would be raised from three to four, and Sinister Wisdom's publishing headquarters would move from Charlotte to Lincoln, Nebraska.[5] In Lincoln, the team at Sinister Wisdom worked with Iowa City Women's Printing and Whole Women Press, ii publishing businesses dedicated to publishing the piece of work of women and lesbians and whom Ellenberger (Desmoines) thanks for helping proceed the journal afloat. To continue to publish exterior of the patriarchal system, the journal had to pay for their office space, supplies, press, and mailing out of pocket.[half-dozen] Ellenberger (Desmoines) continued to urge readers to buy subscriptions for those who could non beget it, buy gift subscriptions, or donate extra coin to Sinister Wisdom. [6]

Exhausted by the strains of editing and producing the journal, past 1978 Nicholson and Ellenberger began looking for women to replace them. At a party defended to female person publishing in New York City, the two spoke with Adrienne Rich and Michelle Cliff.[1] Both Rich and Cliff were very well known in the earth of lesbian literature and had been previous contributors to Sinister Wisdom. The pair decided to take on the project. Nicholson and Ellenberger (Desmoines)'south concluding upshot was Issue 16 in the Wintertime of 1981, published exterior of the journal's new headquarters in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Rich and Cliff promised to commit themselves to sustaining the quality of publications Sinister Wisdom was known for. As an activist and writer of colour, Cliff noted in her first "Notes for a Mag" that she was interested in including more submissions dealing with the intersections of race and lesbianism.[7] The periodical from Result 17 of the spring of 1981 was the beginning of a more intersectional periodical, moving away from separatism and towards the inclusion of other forms of oppression that coincide with the experiences of lesbian women.

In the Summer of 1983, Rich and Cliff wrapped upwardly their terminal issue at Sinister Wisdom and the periodical was turned over to Michaele Uccella and Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz.[8]

Past Issue 33, the magazine was turned over past Uccella and Kaye/Kantrowitz to notable feminist writer Elana Dykewomon. Dykewomon promised in this starting time issue every bit editor that she would piece of work towards getting Sinister Wisdom to be recognized as a non-profit organization.[ix] Dykewomon likewise became the publisher of the journal. By the leap of 1992, with the release of Issue 46, the journal received their 501(c)(3) from the regime, recognizing the journal as a non-profit system.[10] Sinister Wisdom began to be published by Sinister Wisdom Inc., as it continues to be today.

Issue 55, published equally the spring and summertime result for 1995, was edited by Caryatis Cardea, Jamie Lee Evans, and Sauda Burch. The periodical was then turned over to Akiba Onáda-Sikwoia. Onáda-Sikwoia states in her "Notes for a Mag" that she wanted to boost the number of subscriptions simply that her efforts had not yielded the projected 400 new subscriptions she was hoping for.[eleven] At this bespeak, Sinister Wisdom provided 80 costless subscriptions to incarcerated lesbians, an initiative that the journal has continued to the present.[11]

In 1997, Onáda-Sikwoia turned the journal over to Margo Mercedes-Rivera-Weiss, who would edit the journal until 2000. Fran Day, a feminist writer active in the lesbian community worked as the editor from 2000 until her death in 2010. Merry Gangemi was the editor from 2010 until 2013. The current editor is Julie R. Enszer.

Magazine and its content [edit]

Sinister Wisdom has 111 publications; 4 new, seasonal publications are released every year.[12] The journal features primarily lesbians' work, and is especially interested in writing, art or photography that reflects multifariousness of experiences which includes, only is non express to: lesbians of color, indigenous lesbians, Jewish, Arab, old, immature, working-class, poverty course, disabled, and fat lesbians.[13]

Each issue of Sinister Wisdom is dissimilar in content and follows various structures. A section called "Notes for a Magazine" is written past the editor(s) of the issue, which explains the contents and theme of the journal, updates readers on whatever changes the periodical will make, and calls for submissions. This letter from the editor(due south) can be institute usually at the start or at the stop of the periodical. Some issues dealing with specific topics are edited past invitee editors.

The content and structure of the journals is dependent on the contributors submissions and if the journal is following a specific theme. Each journal features a "Phone call for Submissions" section that lets readers and contributors know what the upcoming issues will exist focusing on.

The contributions to the journal often represent different mediums, such every bit art, photography, short stories, personal accounts, poems, interviews, feminist and queer theory, and literature reviews. The guild of the contributions exercise not follow a specific pattern.

The back of the journal usually contains classified ads calling for specific submissions, workshops, conferences, publications, videos, and requests for correspondence. Ads as well oftentimes annunciate feminist bookstores where copies of Sinister Wisdom can exist purchased, as well as other lesbian literature and arts journals for readers to subscribe to.

Identity and multifariousness [edit]

Sinister Wisdom is dedicated to representing the diverse nature of the lesbian community. Works featured in the periodical include the experiences of lesbians from a variety of cultural, racial, religious, and class backgrounds. Several of the periodical's issues have been dedicated to highlighting the experiences of specific affinity groups.

  • Issues 29/30, "Tribe of Dina: A Jewish Women'south Anthology", were published in 1986.[14] This iteration of the journal highlights the experiences and creations of Jewish lesbians, including editor Elana Dykewomon.[fifteen]
  • Issue 39, "On Disability", was published in Wintertime 1989/1990.[14]
  • Issue 41, "Il Viaggio Delle Donne: Italian-American Women Reach Shore", was published in Summer/Fall 1990.[14]
  • Result 45, "Lesbians & Course", was published in Winter 1991/1992.[14]
  • Issue 53, "One-time Lesbians/Dykes", was published in Summer/Fall 1994.[14] Works featured in the journal highlight the experiences of lesbians over the historic period of sixty, specifically dealing with topics such as sexuality, ageism, family unit, and decease.[sixteen] In Wintertime 2009/2010, problems 78 & 79 were published equally a sequel to the 1994 issue in a collection entitled "Old Lesbians/Dykes II".[14]
  • Effect 54, "Lesbians and Religion", addresses the experiences of lesbians from a number of religious and spiritual backgrounds.[14]
  • Consequence 97, "Out Latina Lesbians", was published in Summer 2015.[14] This issue, edited by Nívea Castro and Geny Cabral,[17] highlights the experiences of Latina lesbians and includes a number of pieces written in English, Spanish, or a mixture of both.
  • Issue 107, "Blackness Lesbians—We Are the Revolution!", amplifies the voices of African-American lesbians and queer women.[14] This upshot includes discussions of black and queer activism and the ways in which it is or isn't constructive, and calls upon black lesbian/queer creatives to imagine a brighter futurity for activism.

Digital athenaeum [edit]

Sinister Wisdom, in agreement with Reveal Media is in the process of digitizing back issues from 1976 to 2001.[xviii] In this agreement, Sinister Wisdom has fabricated these back issues available on its website every bit downloadable PDFs to increase accessibility to lesbian literary content for readers.[xix]

Editors and publishers [edit]

  • Harriet Ellenberger (aka Desmoines) and Catherine Nicholson (1976–1981)
  • Michelle Cliff and Adrienne Rich (1981–1983)
  • Michaele Uccella (1983–1984)
  • Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz (1983–1987)
  • Elana Dykewomon (1987–1994)
  • Caryatis Cardea (1991–1994)
  • Akiba Onada-Sikwoia (1995–1997)
  • Margo Mercedes Rivera-Weiss (1997–2000)
  • Fran Day (2000–2011)
  • Julie R. Enszer & Merry Gangemi (2010–2013)
  • Julie R. Enszer (2013 to present)

Notable contributors [edit]

  • Audre Lorde – notable poet, essayist, and activist
  • Adrienne Rich – poet, writer, and activist
  • Anita Cornwell – author
  • Susan Hawthorne – writer, poet, publisher
  • Joanna Russ – novelist
  • Elana Dykewomon – poet, novelist, editor, and activist
  • Minnie Bruce Pratt – poet, activist, and teacher
  • Deena Metzger – author
  • Michelle Cliff – writer and literary critic
  • Pat Parker – poet

Other publications [edit]

In 2013, Sinister Wisdom began reprinting classic lesbian literature and poetry publications for a new audience to enjoy under Sapphic Classics. This initiative is in partnership with A Midsummer Dark'due south Printing, an independent publishing company specializing in verse. Often these publications serve every bit an consequence of Sinister Wisdom.

  • Crime Against Nature by Minnie Bruce Pratt, Sinister Wisdom, Effect 88. This drove of stories and poems detailed Pratt'south loss of custody of her two children when she came out as a lesbian. This book won Pratt the 1989 James Laughlin Honor.
  • Living every bit a Lesbian by Cheryl Clarke, Sinister Wisdom, Event 91. This personal business relationship details Clarke's life as a lesbian and pays tribute to women.
  • What Tin can I Ask-New and Selected Poems 1975–2014 past Elana Dykewomon, Sinister Wisdom, Issue 96. This collection is the compiled poems and works of Elana Dykewomon.
  • The Complete Works of Pat Parker, Sinister Wisdom, Effect 102. This collection is called works of Pat Parker. This collection won the Lambda Literary Award.
  • For the Hard Ones: A Lesbian Phenomenology (Para las duras: Una fenomenología lesbiana) past Tatiana de la Tierre, Sinister Wisdom 108. This collection is a compilation of poetry exploring queer Latina sexuality in both Spanish and English.

Other publications:

  • A Gathering of Spirit (Expanded)- This is an expanded version of the popular Issue 22/23, which showcases the work of Native American lesbians.

See also [edit]

  • Lesbian feminism
  • Lesbian literature
  • List of lesbian periodicals

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c d Parks, Joy (Fall 2017). "Sinister Wisdom: A Chronicle". The Women'southward Review of Books. 1 (5): 14–fifteen. doi:10.2307/4019378. JSTOR 4019378.
  2. ^ Zimmerman, Bonnie (Fall 2017). "sinister wisdom's 15th ceremony!". Off Our Backs. 22: 17.
  3. ^ Endres, Kathleen L.; Lueck, Therese 50., eds. (1996). Women'due south Periodicals in the United States. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Printing. pp. 351–355. ISBN978-0-313-28632-2.
  4. ^ a b Ellenberger, Harriet (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Magazine". Sinister Wisdom. 1.
  5. ^ Ellenberger, Harriet (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Magazine". Sinister Wisdom. 7.
  6. ^ a b Ellenberger, Harriet (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Mag". Sinister Wisdom. 8.
  7. ^ Cliff, Michelle (Autumn 2017). "Notes for a Mag". Sinister Wisdom. 17.
  8. ^ Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Magazine". Sinister Wisdom. 25.
  9. ^ Dykewomon, Elana (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Mag". Sinister Wisdom. 33.
  10. ^ Dykewomon, Elana (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Magazine". Sinister Wisdom. 46.
  11. ^ a b Onáda-Sikwoia, Akiba (Fall 2017). "Notes for a Magazine". Sinister Wisdom. 56.
  12. ^ "Journal". Sinister Wisdom . Retrieved March 26, 2019.
  13. ^ "Sinister Wisdom: What We Publish". Retrieved 11 April 2014.
  14. ^ a b c d e f thousand h i "Bug". Sinister Wisdom . Retrieved 23 October 2018.
  15. ^ Felman, Jyl Lynn (Jump 2011). "FORWARD AND BACKWARD: JEWISH LESBIAN WRITERS". Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal. xvi. ProQuest 874328217.
  16. ^ Zimmerman, Bonnie (Feb 1992). "Sinister wisdom's 15th anniversary!". Off Our Backs. 22. ProQuest 233392258.
  17. ^ "Books and Media Received". Femspec. 17. 2016. ProQuest 1813982947.
  18. ^ "Digital Annal of Sinister Wisdom 1976-2000 | Sinister Wisdom". . Retrieved 2019-03-26 .
  19. ^ "Archive | Sinister Wisdom". . Retrieved 2019-03-26 .

External links [edit]

  • Sinister Wisdom


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